SEU - Georgian National University

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Online Lecture Week - Profession – Journalist

29 December, 2020

From December 21 to December 26, Georgian National University SEU hosted an online lecture week Profession - Journalist. The aim of the event was to increase the knowledge of the
entrants, students and graduates about the current changes and challenges in the field of Journalism, professional standards, practical skills relevant to the work in the media industry.
The following issues were discussed:

• Sports Journalism - Genesis and important aspects of the development stages of Georgian sports journalism.
• Information from open data.
• The challenges a TV journalist faces in the age of modern technology.
• The essence of culture and live text and the extent of relevance of cultural traditions, modern themes and interpretation.
• Coverage of children's issues.
• Coverage of crisis situations.

The speakers discussed these topics in detail and answered the questions of interest to the audience.

The week was organized by the academic staff of the SEU Journalism Program and the SEU Career Development and Alumni Relations Office.

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