SEU - Georgian National University

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Scientific Conferences

Standards of an Academic Article

Standards of styling an academic paper

Standards of papers to be presented at the scientific conference:

The scientific papers presented at the scientific conference of Georgian National University SEU are completed according to this standard;

To participate in the conference, the contestant must submit a scientific paper and an abstract as a separate file (bilingual paper and abstract).

Abstract designing standards:

  • The volume of the abstract should be 200-300 words;
  • The abstract should be in two languages: Georgian and English;
  • Keywords should be given in Georgian and English.

Rules for submitting the paper:

  • Student scientific papers are accepted in Georgian or English languages;
  • The paper includes an abstract in the original language of the paper;
  • Article size: minimum 9 and maximum 15 pages;
  • Keywords should be given in Georgian and English.

The structure of the article should include the following parts:

  • An introduction that also describes the relevance of the paper;
  • The main part, which includes the research methodology and the obtained results;
  • A concluding section combining findings, possible recommendations and future perspectives.

Author(s)’ name, surname, university, program/specialty must be in Georgian and English.

The article should be accompanied by information about the supervisor and a bibliography (list of used literature) in Georgian and English.

See the styles for writing an article and abstract:

Article and abstract styling:

  • The paper must be designed in accordance with the academic style approved by the university;
  • Font - Sylfaen;
  • Font size: -11;
  • The titles of the constituent parts of the paper should be in bolded text;
  • The citation must be in accordance with the academic style approved by the university;
  • Spacing between rows 1.5;
  • Page borders - 2.5 on all sides;
  • Drawings, graphs, diagrams, etc. - TIFF format 300 dpi; 600 dpi;
  • References and citation standards See:

In case of non-compliance with the directives, the paper will not be published or returned to the author for compliance.

Articles should be submitted to the following address: [email protected]

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