SEU - Georgian National University

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Article formatting rule:

  • The paper must be submitted in MS Word format, in Georgian and English languages.
  • Full paper (including the bibliography) should be 11 to 20 pages.
  • Sylfaen font is used when writing the paper in Georgian, and Times New Roman in English, font size - 11, line spacing - 1.0.
  • Abstract: Includes brief information (200-300 words) about the content of the article.
  • Keywords: 4-6 words that best reflect the content of the paper.
  • Introduction: Is the first part of the article about the structure of the paper, its relevance, the importance of the research question (not numbered).

The main text includes the research methodology (if necessary), the content of the paper and the interim results; Titles of the article should be presented in a different form (dark and /or italic), separated by Headings system, each title should be assigned the appropriate level according to the following rule:

1. Title

   1.1. Subtitle

1.1.1. Subtitle

1.1.2. Subtitle etc.

   1.2. Subtitle

2. Title

    2.1. Subtitle

2.2.1. Subtitle, etc.

  • All lines of the paragraph should be equally spaced from the right field. Paragraphs are separated from each other by omitting one interval.
  • When quoting, we use Arabic numerals. To add a citation we go to the References menu after the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence and point to “Insert Footnote”.
  • To add a footnote, we use font size-9.
  • Conclusion includes findings, possible recommendations and future perspectives. Please, note that the abstract, introduction and conclusion are not numbered. Only the main part of the text is numbered.
  • Bibliography is indicated in both languages as set by the rules of the journal.

Reference standards:

  • Relevant sources should be properly indicated in the paper.
  • The source is indicated in Arabic numerals as a footnote. The footnote in the text must be preceded by a closing punctuation mark (letter, exclamation mark, question mark). Footnotes may be used to describe a particular word or term;

The rules for citing the source are:

Initial reference of the book: In case of one or two authors - author's surname, initials, title of the book in quotation marks, publishing house, year, page or paragraph;

For example: Hobbes, T., "Leviathan", Meridian Publishing House 1985. p. 268.

In case of several authors - first author with a reference to "and others" (in case of a team of authors: Team of authors, name of the editor), the title of the book in quotation marks, publishing house, year, page or paragraph.

For example: Team of Authors, Editor A. Demetrashvili, Handbook of Constitutional Law, Publishing House “Respublika”, 2005. p. 305.

For each subsequent reference to the book - author's surname, cf. Relevant primary reference footnote number, page or paragraph.

For example: Hobbes, cf. Footnote 15, page 88.

Article in the book / collection, Author of the article, title of the article, in the book - by reference to the book.

For example: Rose, F., in The Evolution of Species, Burroughs, E., and Roger, A. (Editors), Definition of Law: Essays in Memory of Peter Birkes. Oxford University Press, 2006. p. 55-78.

Periodical article reference - article author, article title in quotation marks, issue number and publication name in quotation marks, year, page. The rule of further reference is similar to the rule of further reference of the book.

For example: Kvaratskhelia, G., “Constitutional proceedings on a disputed or declared invalid act”, 10 “Review of Constitutional Law”, 2016. p. 45-47.

Reference to a newspaper article - author, article title in quotes, newspaper title date, pages.

For example: Pardoa-Shiopa, T., "Il carattere dell 'Europa", Carriere della Serra, June 22, 2004, p. 1.

References to Internet Sources (Blogs, Websites) - In the same way as a newspaper article, in the square brackets of the website and the date of the last seen.

For example: Klaassen, M., “The best interests of the child in deportation cases: An analysis of Ejimson v. Germany ”Strasbourg Observers Blog. [L. s. 11.03.2022]

Reference to the legislation - article number, title of the act, date of adoption.

For example: Article 7, Organic Law of Georgia on the Constitutional Court of Georgia. January 31, 1996.

Article 19, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950.

Case law reference - name of the court, if possible, type of court act, case or application number, case name in quotation marks, date of decision, relevant page, or paragraph.

For example: Judgment of the Constitutional Court of Georgia in the case N1 / 1/477 "Public Defender of Georgia v. Parliament of Georgia", December 22, 2011. Paragraph 80.

For example: Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Case N9815 / 82 Lingens v. Austria, 8 June 1986. Paragraphs 41-42.

The rules for quoting in the text of the article are defined as follows:

  • The quotation in the text or footnote should be placed in double quotes - the quotation should be low („), after the quotation - high (“).
  • If the author removes any part of the quoted text, a semicolon is written in square brackets in the deleted place: "aaa [...] aaa".


  • The bibliography lists all the sources used to work on the article.
  • The description of the literature / sources used should be as follows: Publications / papers in alphabetical order - first indicate Georgian language publications, then foreign ones. After that other sources.

When compiling a bibliography, please use the following citation rule:

  • Surname of the author, name (in full), title of the book, publisher, place and date of publication. In case of several authors, the bibliography shall include the surnames and first names of all the authors.
  • In case of a court decision, the decision-making body, the name of the decision and the date of its adoption.
  • In case of an Internet source, indicate the date of the last verification.


  1. Lekveishvili, Mzia. Mamulashvili, Gocha. Todua, Nona. Georgian Criminal Law, Part 1, Tbilisi, “Meridani”;
  2. Judgment by European Court of Human Rights CASE: Pretty v. the UK., 29.04.2002;{%22itemid%22:[%22001-60448%22]} [Last seen 09.07.2020];
  3. Phirtskhalashvili, Anna. ‘The Theory of Universality of Human Rights’ (2014) #2(41) Scientific Journal Justice and Law;
  4. Phirtskhalashvili, Anna. Social Justice, New Order for 21st Century World available here:<> [Last seen 30.05.2020];
  5. Samuel Henry, „Belgium authorised euthanasia of a terminally ill nine and 11-year-old in youngest cases worldwide“, [Last seen 09.07.2020];
  6. German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch – StGB), Section 216, [Last seen 09.07.2020];
  7. Razer, Brian. & Fishman, Charles. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life.New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015;
  8. Satterfield, Susan. “Livy and the Pax Deum.” Classical Philology 111, no. 2 (April 2016).

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