SEU - Georgian National University

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Content of study components of undergraduate psychology program (university, speciality compulsory and elective, concentration compulsory and elective courses), considering the amount of teaching and learning methods and credits, ensures the achievement of the learning outcomes set out in this component and their combination ensures the achievement of the learning outcomes of the program at the appropriate level of the undergraduate level of the Higher Education Qualifications Framework. The learning outcomes of the program also ensure the competitiveness of graduates at the next level of education - the master's degree and the employment market.

Knowledge and Understanding

The Bachelor of Psychology program has extensive knowledge of theoretical and practical issues in a particular institution in the field of psychology, including a critical understanding of the theories and principles and understanding of complex issues in the field/area.

In  particular, student:

  • Will have knowledge about Psychology as  a science;
  • Will be able to characterize the subject and tasks of the science of psychology;
  • Will have a knowledge of the major areas of psychology, including social, developmental, personality, clinical, and mood psychology;
  • Will have a knowledge of the basic concepts, theories, psychodynamic, behavioural, existential and humanistic approaches to psychology;
  • Will Know the specifics of the main methodologies and methods of empirical research in psychology. (In the form of positivist and structuralist paradigms, experimental, correlational and case study methods);
  • Will Know current issues and topics in psychology, such as stress, aggression;
  • Will understand the role of psychology in the process of social activism; The place of psychological science in the social sciences system and its relation to other disciplines: medicine, philosophy and pedagogy.


Ability to use knowledge in practice

The graduate will be able to use some of the distinctive (sociological, data analysis) methodologies specific to the field of psychology and to solve the problems; Implementation of research or practical project in accordance with predefined guidelines, as reflected in the following competencies:

The graduate is able to: 

  • Work on the methods used in psychology for empirical research to match supervisors' instructions, such as reading, using content analysis;
  •  To plan the psychological research, collect and analyze data, by using the methodology of the field of psychological and social sciences, to observe personality behaviour determinants, conduct appropriate behaviour research, and take corrective actions as directed.
  • Identify the specific psychological patterns, diagnosis of mental processes;
  • Interpretation of observational and research data based on the theoretical knowledge gained;
  • Statistical processing of data, including their ordering, frequency counting, simple correlations and comparisons;
  • Analyze the research described in the scientific article and interpret it according to the relevant criteria of the profession;
  • Differentiation of mental events and planning and conducting a small amount of research in accordance with predetermined directions in research or practical activities.

Ability to Conclude

The graduate is able to gather the necessary data for the professional task and draw conclusions about their use, as well as analyze data and / or situations using standard and some distinctive methods, and provide reasoned conclusions.

The graduate is able to:

  • Analyze the issue raised within psychology; evaluate, and argumentation their position;
  • Draw firmly substantiated and argumentative conclusions based on the  empirical research data;
  • Draw relevant conclusions about their condition based on the observations of others' emotions and behaviours and adequately interpret empirical facts;
  • Develop a reasoned conclusion in a specific problem situation and making an optimal decision.


Communication skills

Students are able to prepare detailed written reports on ideas, problems and ways to solve them, orally transfer information to specialists and non-specialists, communicate professionally in Georgian and foreign languages, use modern information and communication technologies creatively:

Competences of professional communication:

  • Participating in public discussions:
  • Preparing and presenting a written and oral report of one's and others' theoretical and empirical research;
  • Presenting the relevant topic or  to the  interested audiences (psychologists and non-psychologists) using appropriate terminology for the topic, slides, and other visual material;


Competence in a language communication:

  • Communication in Georgian and foreign languages with both specialists and non-specialists.
  • In a chosen foreign language, a student has a proficiency of B2 level and acquired all four speech competencies (listening, reading, speaking, writing).

Listening: Student is able to understand/ perceive large content of texts and expressions and Correct response; Understanding the general direction of the conversation; Understanding individual replicas of conversations; Understanding the essence of the report;

Reading: Student is able to read field related (psychology related) texts, letters, statements, various articles, and understand basic content; Allocate necessary information.

Speaking: Student is able to convey facts briefly on real events; Brief summary of the article; Sequential transmission of events; Expressing one's own opinion; Characterization of the situation.

Writing: Able to convey facts in writing on real events; Writing their own opinion.


Competence in using  information technologies: 

Creative use of modern information and communication technologies;

Learning ability

The student is able to consistently and multilaterally evaluate their own learning process, identify further learning needs, in particular, understand the need to continually deepen their knowledge of learning and development as a condition for success in the profession; Addresses academic challenges in the field and the need to keep a close eye on news in the media;

The student is able to:

  • Developing learning process strategies, time allocation and learning skills that enable learning independently;
  • Searching for psychological literature (books, articles), to enhance professional and general education, obtaining and using the material for practical work or presentation;
  • Acting independently for professional growth;
  • Developing practical skills based on theoretical knowledge, mastering professional skills by observing more experienced colleagues; Manage, evaluate, and determine the need for continuing their own learning process.


The student participates in the formation of values and strives to establish them as expressed in:

Graduate has:

  • A system of values typical of a professional psychologist, which is primarily concerned with acting in accordance with the ethical norms of professional practice;
  • Striving to acquire intellectual, moral and aesthetic values;
  • Responsibility for forming social values and establishing them in their relationships;
  • Ability to respect professional values and facilitate the formation of adequate representations of one's profession in society;
  • Sufficient resources and education for the acquisition and implementation of community value innovations.
  • Awareness of the importance of correctness in human relationships;
  • Awareness of the psychology profession as a social value and an attempt to establish that value in society.

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SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
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SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.