For a high scientific rating, researchers, academic staff and higher education institutions must be active, constantly conducting research and publishing their papers in the international scientific arena.
Georgian National University SEU is already registered on the international scientific social network and the EURAXESS portal. Registration on this portal allows the researcher to seek a grant, establish professional contacts and contact the host/employer training or research institution directly.
In addition, in order to increase scientific productivity and improve awareness, it is recommended for scholars and researchers to use their own scientific code. Create a Researcher ID on the following site.
It is advisable for scholars to publish scientific research in journals recognized by international electronic scientific databases. From the many internationally recognized databases several can be identified that hold leading positions in this field.
Google Scholar is an American corporation free search engine for all forms of Google science and all forms of work. The system has been operating since 2004. Google Scholar performs not only online document searches, but also searches for publications listed in library catalogs. Google Scholar calculates various indexes of author citations using the information contained in its database. It also calculates the author h-index and i10-index for the whole period and the last five years. In Google Scholar, the author must create a personal profile. As simply as possible, it requires only work in the academic sector and standardization of bibliographic descriptions of papers.
Microsoft Academic is a free public Internet search engine for academic publications and literature developed by Microsoft Research. In 2016, a tool was re-launched that includes a complete data structure and search engine using search technologies. Currently more than 220 million publications are catalogued and 88 million journal articles. Members can get information about the news and keep track of the recently added citations to the texts that are of interest to them.
Mendeley is a company located in the UK acquired in early 2013 by academic publisher Elsevier. Mendeley is known for its reference manager designed to share scholarly papers and to create bibliographies for scholarly articles. It is one of the most important bases in the life of a modern scientist, as it is a platform for scholars to communicate and share texts. Mendeley also provides an opportunity to find targeted funding for projects of interest to authors. Mendeley is a free referral manager and academic social network to help one organize their research, collaborate with others online and discover the latest research papers, automatically generate bibliographies, comfortably collaborate with other researchers online and easily submit papers from other research programs, etc.
Scopus combines a comprehensive, abstract, citation database with enriched data and scientific content materials. Scopus is an Elsevier abstract and citation database that has been in operation since 2004. For authors who have published more than one article, individual accounts are created in Scopus with author profiles with a unique author identifier (author ID). These profiles contain information such as author name variations, job listings, number of publications, years of publication, areas of research, links to major authors, total number of citations to author publications, total number of citations by author, author Hirsch index, etc. The database allows users to use unique author identifiers to generate search queries and create emails or notifications for changes to copyright profiles.
Web of Science is an independent global citation database. More than 9000 leading academic, corporate and government institutions and millions of researchers trust Web Science to deliver high quality research, gain knowledge and make more informed decisions that will guide their institution's future and research strategy. Web of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide a variety of citation data for many different academic disciplines. It was originally developed by the Scientific Information Institute (ISI) and is currently maintained by Clarivate Analytics. Web of Science uses various search and analysis capabilities. First, citation indexing is used enhanced by the ability to search for results in disciplines.
Certain pieces of practical advice for authors who intend to publish in internationally rated journals: