SEU - Georgian National University

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Publication of the paper

SEU & SCIENCE is a multi-disciplinary journal published by Georgian National University SEU.

SEU & SCIENCE Journal is published twice a year in print and online.

Language of articles:

Georgian and English (English in case of international scientific conferences).

Editorial requirements of the paper

Papers should be prepared to a high academic standard, taking into account all the references defined by the journal editorial committee.

The scientific journal may publish various original pieces of works in Georgian (accompanied by English abstract and bibliography), such as scientific article, review, review of monograph, textbook and scientific article, report on the results of research, etc.

The journal recognizes and respects the rules of ethics.

Standard for the styling of a scientific paper

The Georgian National University SEU scientific papers presented in the scientific journal are completed according to the following standard:

Rules for submitting a paper

The contestant must submit a scientific paper and an abstract as a separate file;

Scientific papers are accepted in Georgian, and the name of the author of the paper, abstract, keywords and bibliography in Georgian and English

The article should include the following parts:

  • Author(s)’ name, surname, university, and program/speciality;
  • An abstract that includes brief information about the content of the article;
  • An introduction that includes the relevance of the paper;
  • The main part, which includes the research methodology, the content of the paper and the intermediate results;
  • A concluding section that includes conclusions, findings, possible recommendations and future perspectives.
  • Bibliography on used literature.
  • Article volume: minimum 10 and maximum 20 pages;

Article and abstract formatting:

  • The paper must be designed in accordance with the academic style approved by the university; (the link must be inserted here)
  • Font - Sylfaen;
  • Font size: -11;
  • The titles of the constituent parts of the paper should be in the bolded text;
  • The citation should be made in accordance with the academic style approved by the University: (see. academic style).
  • Spacing between rows 1.5;
  • Page borders - 2.5 on all sides;
  • Drawings, graphs, diagrams, etc. - TIFF format 300 dpi; 600 dpi;
  • Formulas must be typed in Microsoftequation 3.0;


Academic style

For citation and citation standards

In case of non-compliance with the directives, the paper will not be published or returned to the author for compliance;

Articles should be submitted to the following address: [email protected]

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