Conference date: July 20
Registrations are open for the Interdisciplinary Science Conference SEU SMC 2023 of Georgian National University SEU!
The multidisciplinary conference gives the opportunity to the academic personnel, researchers and doctoral students of higher educational institutions to submit scientific papers in the following fields:
- Business, tourism, economics, administration;
- Law;
- International relations;
- Psychology;
- Journalism;
- Medicine;
- Information technologies.
Terms for participation in the conference:
- Persons willing to participate in the conference must register on the given link no later than on July 8, 2023.
- Working languages of the conference: Georgian, English
- Papers must be written according to the Standard for Writing a Scientific Paper of Georgian National University SEU. The final version of the conference paper must be submitted no later than July 8, 2023 to the following email [email protected]
- Both – individual papers and papers written under co-authorship will be admitted
- Participants or co-authors may submit maximum one scientific paper
- Participation and attendance at the conference is free
- The papers presented at the conference will be published in the Collection of Conference Reports of Georgian National University SEU, if they comply with the standards established by the journal.
Additional information:
- July 20, 2023, 9 Tsinandali Str., SEU Campus, Tbilisi
- Write us questions regarding the conference at the following email: [email protected]
- All participants will be awarded with certificates
- Registration and receipt of papers is admitted only within the established time limits.