Scientific Journal "SEU & SCIENCE"
Georgian National University SEU publishes the scientific journal SEU & SCIENCE.
The university scientific journal is published once every 6 months in the form of a biennial collection.
Scientific articles related to a specific scientific event may be published in an extra, special edition by the university.
The journal is divided into main sections that correspond to the major directions of the university's educational activities:
Posting an article in a university scientific journal is free. All costs related to the publication of the paper are funded by the university.
The copyright on the published work remains with its authors/co-authors. The University reserves the right, without the agreement of the author, to distribute the relevant scientific publication free of charge in the form chosen by it, to use it for scientific research and development of library funds.
The aim of the scientific journal is to promote the communication space of the academic staff, young and experienced scientists-researchers, and to develop the scientific-creative potential.
The journal is an openly accessible publication, which means that its content is fully accessible to users without any additional fees or registration.
The scientific journal "SEU & SCIENCE" recognizes and shares internationally recognized values and experiences.
Plagiarism in papers published in the journal is prohibited, the author(s) must ensure accurate and correct reference to the source of information given in the paper. All papers submitted for publication in a scientific journal will be reviewed in a special plagiarism program before being reviewed. Authors are required to follow the rules of ethics, which include proper reference to the author(s) of the source, proper use of sources, proper reference to the persons involved in the development of the work, respect for personal data and other issues.
The journal meets the requirements of the catalogs of international peer-reviewed journals.