SEU - Georgian National University

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An advisory board and a competition commission have been set up at the fund to carry out their goals and activities.

The Fund Advisory Board consists of 7 members: 2 Vice Rectors for Scientific Research and Finance and five academic staff, two of which are SEU professors, one being a foreign university professor, and two being invited professors from local universities.

The Advisory Board is appointed by the Academic Council on the recommendation of the Vice Rector for a term of 5 years.

Project proposals are evaluated by a competition commission appointed by the Advisory Board. The competition commission is elected by the Advisory Board for a term of 1 year, based on the recommendation of the Vice Rector for Research. The competition commission consists of 5 members, of which 1 member is the university administration representative, 3 are SEU professors and 1 local or international expert in research management.

With respect to studies for which it is necessary to involve people as test subjects, the In-University Ethics Commission will be invited to consider a specific grant application. It sets the boundaries of research project ethics and its compliance with both universal and university norms. The Ethics Commission should include at least 5 specialists in the field, at least 3 of whom should not be university staff.

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