SEU - Georgian National University

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The European Integration Research Center is a SEU scientific-research structural unit of Georgian National University SEU.

The European Integration Research Center brings together professors from the Faculty of Law, Business Administration and Humanities and Social Sciences who carry out sectoral, interdisciplinary or comparative research on European issues.

The objectives of the European Integration Research Center are:

  • Scientific study of European integration as a legal, economic and social and historical phenomenon;
  • Research on European issues based on an interdisciplinary perspective;
  • Research on scientific issues related to Europe, practical problems and current issues in society;
  • Generalization of research results and elaboration of proposals for improvement of Georgian legislation;
  • Promoting the development of European integration to the country.

The main activities of the European Integration Research Center are:

  • Involving young researchers in interdisciplinary and field research projects along with experienced researchers;
  • Providing access to research results for university students;
  • Reflection and introduction of research results in educational disciplines.

To achieve its goals, the European Integration Research Center:

  • Collaborates with government agencies, NGOs and research institutions;
  • Cooperates with foreign educational-research institutions;
  • Participates in national or international projects, or implements them in its capacity, periodically holds international and national conferences, seminars and workshops, which serve to present the results of the Center's research.
  • The center conducts research within the framework of a thematic research project.

Center Structure

  • The European Integration Research Center consists of the Center's head (director), coordinator, heads of field research groups and its members.
  • The activities of the center are managed by the director of the center.
  • The Center may set up field research groups led by the Head of the Field Working Group.
  • The scientific activities of the Center are supervised by the Scientific Council of the Center.

Projects and Events

Contest for Young Researchers’ Articles: A Contest for Young Researchers’ Articles has been announced within the framework of a bilateral collaboration between the Georgian National University SEU and Lazarski University (Poland) within the framework of the European Integration Research Group. The three winners will be awarded cash prizes, and the selected papers will be published in the scientific journal "SEU and Science" of Georgian National University SEU or in the journal "Economics and Political Thought" of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Lazarski University.

On October 9, 2020, Georgian National University SEU announced the competition for the above project: Jean Monnet Prize 2020. The competition is held under the auspices of the European Parliament and aims to identify and award projects that contribute to the development of the idea of ​​European integration.

3rd International Congress: 21st Century EU.

New project of the Silk Road: Dialogue between East and West for Researchers and Academics: Georgian National University SEU, Lazarski University, Spanish National Distance Education University and University of Madrid (CEDEU) co-organized Third International Online Congress: 21st Century EU - A New Silk Road Project: Dialogue between East and West for researchers and academics. If the relevant criteria are met, the conference papers will be published in the scientific journal "SEU and Science" of Georgian National University SEU or in the journal "Economics and Political Thought" of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Lazarsky University.

Center Provisions

Statutes of The European Integration Research Center

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